Help educate a college student about the use of credit cards. Recent legislative attempts to prevent banks from using inappropriate sales tactics to lure students to apply for credit may not be working as well as intended.
Tag: Kids and Money
Cato-The Value of Economic Education
The Value of Economic Education
New Credit Card Rules For Those Under The Age of 21.
New Federal Reserve Rules will limit the ability of those under the age of 21 to obtain a credit card.
Finance Fundamentals – Talk To Kids About The Only Two Ways To Make Money
There are only two ways to make money…. People at work and/or money at work!
Discuss this concept with a child and observe their reaction. Plant the seeds for financial comprehension and success.
Need Help Putting $1 Trillion In Perspective?
CNBC has a great slide show displaying the physical size of $1 Trillion. Definitely something to keep in mind as we watch our political leaders propose new spending programs while failing to manage existing inefficiencies and financial waste. A great visual tool for any age, and perhaps a good starting point for conversations with children about spending and fiscal discipline in our country.
Is Your Child Prepared For Electronic Banking?
Take advantage of an opportunity to open checking and savings accounts for your child and teach them the financial lessons they will need to know to excel in life.